Saturday, April 5, 2025
9 a.m. - 11 p.m. ET
Posvar Hall 4303 (CUE)
This workshop focuses on reflection, community, and grounding ourselves in why we do what we do as literacy educators. By the end of the session, we will all be able to describe the role of reflective professional writing, both for ourselves and for our professional communities. We will also explore potential avenues for sharing our writing–while acknowledging that sometimes, this writing might just be for us. We will explore personal reflection, professional blogs, and conference proposals, Participants will have time to review a variety of types of professional writing and respond to them, personally and collaboratively.
We look forward to seeing many of you in person at the Center for Urban Education (room 4303 in Posvar Hall) at the University of Pittsburgh, and we welcome those who wish to attend virtually as well! Breakfast will be served. We look forward to thinking, writing, and being together.

Saturday, March 15, 2025
10 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET
Posvar Hall 4303 (CUE)
Join us for a time of fellowship, support, solidarity, or whatever you prefer to call it – a time to hold one another up when we can, and lean on one another if we need.
Saturday, March 15th, Western PA Writing Project participants will gather to help one another “survive the Ides of March.” Mid-March can be a challenging time of year for educators, waiting eagerly for the rest that Spring Break promises. Instead of waiting, let’s come together to prioritize rest, self, and community care. We’ll think, write, and talk about how to navigate our own and one another’s needs in hard times, as well as how we might use writing to support our students in their trying seasons as well. Join us in-person at 10:00 AM at the Center for Urban Education for food and fellowship.
Or, join via Zoom, so you can bring the coziness of your own coffee, tea, bed, couch, or blankets along with you.